life · life lessons

Is there something that has frustrated you recently?

Corona still here, most of you still in lockdown getting bored and frustrated. I am with you. Same thing is happening with me. This lockdown has really got me.

But only one thing that cheers me up during this lockdown is that I started writing again. But still I hope this thing gets over soon and we all start living our lives. I am writing this post while sitting in my veranda with clouds over my head and cool breeze going on.

So after reading the topic, you all must have understood what will this blog post be about. So without any further delay, let’s begin.

Frustration. It happens to everyone at one time or another. It can make you angry, feel anxious, and be very overwhelming.

When you’re frustrated, it can feel like nothing is under your control and everything is chaos. It’s hard to know where to begin. When you’re flooded with emotion, it’s difficult to think straight.

Remember, like all feelings or emotions, frustration isn’t bad. It’s a strong emotion that can serve as a red flag that something needs attention and tending to. This feeling can encompass and contain other strong emotions as well. Some of these feelings are anger, anxiety, confusion, discouragement, and feeling defeated.

The problem with frustration—no matter in what context—is that being “upset or annoyed” adds a second layer of suffering to the emotional suffering you’re already caught up in. In my experience, frustration serves no useful purpose. Quite the opposite: It clouds the mind, making it hard to see if there’s constructive action you could take to improve your situation.

Over the years, I’ve developed some strategies to minimize the impact of frustration in my life. So here are some of the things you can do if you are frustrated but before that do tell me in comments that What things made you frustrated in recent times or what frustrates you generally.

  1. Recognize that you’re not alone. Everyone gets frustrated at times. Knowing this can keep you from adding yet a third layer of emotional suffering in the form of that nasty culprit self-blame. Even the Dalai Lama said that he can still get angry at times. If he gets angry, he must also know what frustration feels like! So be sure not to make things worse by blaming yourself when this unwelcome emotional state comes calling. 
  2. Don’t treat the feeling as if it’s set in stone. Impermanence is a universal law. Nothing stays the same for long. Of course, impermanence can be a source of sadness; but I like to say it can also be your friend. An effective way not to “set your frustration in stone” is to step back mentally, and take out self-referential terms, such as “I” or “me.” Simply say to yourself: “Frustration is present at the moment.” Then you won’t think of it as a permanent feature of who you are. Holding this stressful emotion lightly in this way loosens its grip and makes it easier for you to move on with your day.
  3. Work on developing patience when frustration (or any painful emotion) is present. When a painful emotion arises, trying to force it away tends to intensify it. This is certainly true with frustration. The alternative is to recognize its impermanent nature and patiently wait for it to blow out of your mind, like a storm that passes overhead.
  4. Administer self-compassion immediately. Self-compassion is my go-to practice in any stressful situation, including when I find myself caught up in an unpleasant emotion, such as frustration. All self-compassion asks is that you be kind to yourself. This means not blaming yourself for what emotions you’re experiencing at the moment: all kinds of emotions arise and pass without being invited … so, no blame! Self-compassion also includes doing something nice for yourself, whether it’s lying down and listening to some music or watching a funny show on TV. Each of us has that special thing we can do for ourselves that soothes the mental pain that accompanies unpleasant emotions.

I really hope these methods help you in dealing with your tough times. Finally, try speaking silently or softly to yourself in a compassionate and understanding voice: “It’s hard to be in so much pain. No wonder I get frustrated at times.” When you give voice to your feelings in this way, you’re letting yourself know that you care about your suffering. This alone will ease your emotional pain.

Do tell me in comment section if you liked my methods or not. Also once again comment about the things that frustrates you.

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