
Letter to 50 years old me

As we all know that a pandemic have surrounded our planet earth and most of us are in a state of lockdown. Due to this lockdown, many things are crossing my mind.

In my last post ‘ What if you had just one more week to live‘ I shared few things I would like to do in my last 7 days. In this post I would like to write a letter to 50 years old me and like to read it when I reach that age(only if I survive till then😂) because today not many people like to write or read letters. So I thought why to write to others when you can write to yourself. So without any delay, let’s start the letter.



Dear 50 year old ME,

Hi! How are you doing? You have entered that strange and beautiful group of people between middle age and elderly. I can’t help but wonder what life has brought you, about all the things that have happened and I have a urge to inquire how everyone’s doing.

As for me, I am well and look forward to the future. I believe that I can take on the world. Often in times of uncertainty, I tell myself that I’ll be fine.

Are you still writing? Even more important, are you still reading? I do hope you haven’t become one of those lazy people who hasn’t finished a book in 10 years because it may seem silly but it’s one of my biggest fear.

I am certain you have grown enough to understand that life is precious and fragile. It must be lived boldly yet handled with care. I’m certain that you have accomplished way more than you imagined and if not then don’t worry because I know you achieved the most important thing in life which is Happiness. I think you have done well.

I hope to God you haven’t become one of those boring old people who doesn’t remember how to have FUN and only lives to pay bills and waiting for death. Because I think old have nothing to do with age. One becomes old when they stop having fun.

You know what it feels to be friendless, to be lost, to feel stressed and emotionally drained, to feel like you are not moving fast enough. You know how its feels like when everyone around you is shouting at each other and nobody is listening. You know what its means to love and be loved. You have been someone’s hero and someone has been yours.

I hope you had good stories to tell your kids when they asked about your life. I hope you made your life mean something, and made the most out of your days. I hope life got easier along the way, as things started to fall into place and finally make sense. I hope you had the most fun, made the best memories, and laughed until you cried often. Finally, I hope that you are able to look back on your life and be fully satisfied with the way you lived it.

I am happy to see you where you are right now. Just give yourself a pat and be proud of yourself. You have grown up and you continue to grow and improve and make a mark on the world for good. And I am crazy proud of you for that.

I love you so, so much

24 years old ME



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